Tuesday, May 29, 2012

For DD: Light or Dark Brows With Lara And Cara

Chanel Cruise 2013

photographed by Nick Knight

Brows, Brows, Brows!!! For me, when it comes to my favorite form of facial hair I believe that either bold or faint make the biggest impact. For example, take the featured models Lara Stone (who photographs very lovely with something in her mouth) and Cara Delevingne. Their brow looks are night and day, but both looks are equally interesting and extremly beautiful. 

After gathering the pics for this post I decided to try Cara's look for myself. I have red hair so my stylist Hallie, at Chemistry Hair Salon,was a bit skeptical of the darker brow. I thought if blondes could do it, why couldn't I, and went for it. We went a few shades darker and I absolutely love it. I had light brown brows already, so the dye job wasn't too noticeable, but I felt like it was a nice enhancement and it made my brows look thicker.  I totally recommend it to anyone wanting a little change, and next time I plan to go even darker. Something I DO NOT recommend is tinting your lashes. I was on an eye kick, so I thought why not darken my lashes to match my brows. My stylist does not do eyelash tinting, so I booked an appointment at another spa. I read that dying my lashes would make them appear fuller and longer, so I was all for it. Big mistake. I basically paid $30.00 to have my eyes burn and my eyelashes do not look any different at all! Through trial and error I now know, brow tinting is a big yes and eyelash tinting is trash.


  1. I prefer Cara's, I think it looks better to habe strong brows than invisible ones.
    xx Kate


  2. Some nice pictures :))

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